Ich bin Mia und ich habe ein eigenes Zuhause! Ich bin sehr glücklich und lebe mich ein und lerne, wo alles ist. Danke, dass Sie mich ausgewählt haben. […]
Archive: Animals

albina 31/21
ALBINA The most beautiful and soft mannered Dog you would wish to encounter We discovered her abandoned in the Campo exhausted and dehydrated. After immediate First Aid we were able […]

chivas 38/21
CHIVAS A stunning looking Dog, Friendly , loyal and super intelligent. Due to work comittments his owner could not give CHIVAS the time he needed to develop. His owner asked […]

byron 39/21
BYRON A sunning looking Dog, Friendly , loyal and super intelligent. Due to work comittments his owner could not give Byron the time he needed to develop. His owner asked […]

mitch 27/20
MITCH Is simply a pleasure to be with Passive loves walking on the lead, friendly and caring loves the beach as much as he loves the country lanes. Perfect dog […]

xina 35/21
XINA Abandoned in the Campo with a serious Tumor on one of her back legs A local lady rescued her from the Campo she is now in SCAN. Our Vet […]
tigga 33/21
TIGGA Abandoned on a mountain road above Benidoleig with his friend Chaplina the local Police contacted a SCAN Volunteer and as they say the rest is Hiostory A friendly loving […]

reina 30/21
REINA Abandoned and left alone Passers bye brought her to SCAN A truly wonderful little Dog. Loves company and walking on the lead enjoys other dogs company She will settle […]

05/21 martha
MARTHA 1 of 12 puppies originally rescued from a Contenador de Basura in ORBA at midnight late in January, all close to death. Immediately fostered by SCAN Volunteers,we have only […]
19/21 milo
MILO Is a very handsome Teckel who was left with SCAN as his owners moved into a small apartment due to the COVID Emergency, life in a small apartment once […]
Die Schwester von MAC, ein sehr schöner Hund verspielt, intelligent großartig an der Leine, liebt Spaziergänge und Spielen und im Campo Toben eine Freude sie an Ihrer Seite zu haben […]
Eine schöne, junge Schäfermischlingsdame, verspielt und klug Von ihrer Besitzerin geliebt, aber zu stark für sie, da die Frau nicht mehr die Jüngste war. Die Dame hatte Mac und ihre […]

diego 14/20
Hi I am Dexter abandoned with my Brother DEXTER in El Verger, We are both very frightened and scared and SCAN has shown us both so much , care, attention, […]

dexter 13/20
Hi I am Dexter abandoned with my Brother DIEGO in El Verger, We are both very frightened and scared and SCAN has shown us both so much , care, attention, […]

A Very beautiful Dog possibly Pedigree , abandoned in the Mountains near Benidoleig. Wonderful dog fabulous character, he is young and will train and Bond easily, he will be a […]

gemma 33/20
Abandoned with 3 Siblings Super Friendly Dog, lively , Bright and Intelligent Perfect Family Dog but will also work well with a Single person. Come and see her you will […]

ricky 46/15
RICKY Was adopted from SCAN and for over 5 years lived Happily with his owner in Denia. Sadly the owner passed away and the Family could no longer look after […]