Hi, I’m Vivien and I was brought to SCAN after I had been abandoned in the street. Even though I am the smallest, I settled down very quickly […]
Archive: Animals

18/788 vernon
Hi, I am Vernon and I arrived at SCAN after I was found hiding under a bush in a garden when I lost touch with my mother. My markings are […]

Hi, I’m Sandy, a pale ginger ladylike feline. I am quite solitary and I am quite feisty. I like to sit up high on the scratching log looking down on […]

18/745 lindy
Hello, I am Lindy and I was found abandoned wearing a collar and bell that my previous owner had given me. I was lucky to be found by SCAN […]

18/744 lucy
I am lovely Lucy with the shiny fur and the sweet stubby tail. I was brought to SCAN after my owner died. It was confusing for me at first […]

18/778 snowy
I am Snowy! I was named because I have gorgeous white fur ~ like the snow! I was dumped in a bin with my brothers, Sooty and Sweep. We […]

18/779 and 18/780 sugar & spice
Aren’t we sweet! We are Sugar & Spice and we were rescued by SCAN after being taken away from our mother and abaondoned when we were too young. We loved […]

18/758 nicola
I am Nicola, a cute tortoiseshell girl with big bright eyes. I love hiding from the volunteers which means I have a lot of fun but also means I am […]

18/755 oreo
Hello and thank you for looking at my page! I’m Oreo, a bouncy black and white boy. I am the smallest and youngest cat in my Suite at SCAN but […]

18/753 mitten
We were 5 kittens born at SCAN to our mum, Minou and the Volunteers call us the Miniminous. All my siblings have been reserved and will go to their new homes […]

18/775 arisca
I’m Arisca and I was brought to SCAN by one of the volunteers when I was a very small kitten. I have now grown a bit and I have lots […]

tomy /18
Tomy is one of 5 gorgeous puppies found dumped in a villagers garden. All though slightly nervous when they first arrived at the shelter, they have quickly adapted to living […]

Elena hatte einen sehr schwierigen Start ins Leben. Sie wurde auf der Straße ausgesetzt und als die Polizei endlich genug Vertrauen aufgebaut hatte um sie anzuleinen, wurde sie (wahrscheinlich mehrmals) […]

18/003 – charly
Hi, Ich bin Charly, und wie Sie sehen ein hübscher Kater. Ich bin sehr verschmust, intelligent und finde es einfach toll herumzusitzen, ein bisschen zu schwatzen und gestreichelt zu werden. […]

10/16 rex
Rex was in SCAN for more than a year, he then spent many months in a very loving foster home. Rex has now gone to his forever home in Guernsey, where […]

31/17 sam
Sam wurde mit seinen beiden Brüdern Dino und Dilan als 5 Wochen alte Welpen in der Nähe des Tierheims ausgesetzt. Sam wuchs zu einem ausgeglichenen schönen jungen Mann heran und […]

18/732 lillibet
Hallo, ich bin Lilibet und bin mit meiner Schwester hierher gekommen. Unser Herrchen musste nach England zurück und sehr traurig uns aufgeben zu müssen. Er tat sein Bestes, um […]

18/733 skye
Hallo, mein Name ist Skye, den ich mit meinen riesigen grünen Augen bewundere. Meine Schwester und ich sind hier, weil unser geliebtes Herrchen nach England zurück kehren musste und […]

17/ bertie
Hello my name is Bertie and I am happy to say I have just been adopted. […]

17/652 blodwyn
Hello I am Blodwyn and I have been adopted in Germany. […]