Hallo, Ich bin custard!

Image to Come
  • Ref-Nummer 22/18
  • Name Custard
  • Alter 7 jahre, 0 monate
  • Geschlecht Männlich
  • Rasse Medium
  • Art der Rasse Gemischt
  • Farbe Cream
  • Kastriert/Sterilisiert Nein
  • Geimpft Ja
  • Ist das Tier in einer Pflegestelle? Ja
  • Ist das Tier zur Adoption reserviert? Nein


Custard was found along with his brother and sisters abandoned in a Lidl car park.

Custard is a sweet and confident little chap, which he has to be as he is the slowest eater and his siblings never fail to try to steal his meal...! He loves to play with the others and run around outside in the sunshine. Custard is probably the calmest of the litter, he prefers to observe new situations before acting unlike his siblings who charge first and think afterwards (like most puppies).

This lovely little chap has now found a new home with a lovely family and while we'll miss him, we are delighted for him and wish him all the best.

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