Hallo, Ich bin chica!

  • Ref-Nummer 56/23
  • Name CHICA
  • Alter 13 jahre, 5 monate
  • Geschlecht Weiblich
  • Rasse Podenco
  • Art der Rasse Stammbaum
  • Farbe Caramel
  • Höhe an der Schulter 50cm
  • Gewicht 15
  • Leishmania Positiv
  • Kastriert/Sterilisiert Nein
  • Geimpft Nein
  • Ist das Tier in einer Pflegestelle? Ja
  • Ist das Tier zur Adoption reserviert? Nein

56/23 CHICA


is a sweet, gentle senior lady who has had only one owner her whole life. Unfortunately, he lost his home and cannot look after his much loved podenco any longer. She is a friendly engaging dog who loves nothing more than having a gentle stroll through the campo and smelling all the wonderful things that nature has provided.

She walks beautifully on the lead and is fully housetrained. She has not been tested with cats and seems tolerant of other dogs when introduced properly. She has a passport and is ready to travel to a new loving home where she can relax and bring a smile to your face with her loving looks and affection.

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