74/23 bonita

BONITA She’s a sweet young dog who’s just looking for an opportunity to show you her unconditional love. She likes the company of other animals, is playful and affectionate. Come […]


53/23 nina

 NINA Our pretty girl, despite having had a life in difficult conditions, never loses her smile. She melts with human caresses and what she likes most is to be accompanied. […]


08/23 melinda

MELINDA She arrived accompanied by her two little brothers Max and Moritz. These three little ones have stolen the heart of every SCAN volunteer. They are loving, adorable, good, precious… […]


80/21 sunny

SUNNY Er ist ein junger Hund mit vielen Ängsten. Er verbrachte seine ersten Lebensmonate in einem Heim, aber sie wussten nicht, wie sie ihm die Pflege und Ausbildung geben sollten, […]


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