Hi, I’m Dilys and I have now found my forever home, after being abandoned in somebody’s garden. […]
Archives: Animals

02/17 pip
Pip is another of the “New Year’s Eve babies” He is being fostered by one of SCAN’s volunteers. Pip has been adopted by a friend of SCAN and now lives in […]

11/17 marly
Marly was found abandoned over the holidays with 2 other puppies. He is in foster care until he can be adopted. Like his 2 siblings, he is reserved for adoption. […]

34/16 nina
Nina is a wonderful young Labrador bitch, very loving and as you would expect very playful. She adores walking on and off the lead, is excellent on the lead and good […]

08/17 mars
This is Mars. He is a lively, friendly, young German Pointer. He is very energetic and requires training, but given the time and effort, he will make a wonderful companion. Mars was adopted by […]

82/16 marie
Marie is a medium sized Staffie cross, who came to SCAN in September 2016. Marie with friend Buso Marie has been adopted by a German lady who lives […]

08/16 bandit
Bandit was abandoned and left to die. He is a very beautiful animal with all the qualities of a great dog. Bandit now has a forever home in Jesus Pobre […]

101/16 lluvia
Lluvia is a lovely mixed breed dog. She is very frightened, but is nevertheless gentle. She was abandoned at the roadside in Lloasa. She is currently in foster care with […]

Hi, let me introduce myself. I am Carly and I’m a pretty white and tabby girl. I was born in December 2014 and was found when somebody abandoned me. I […]

I am Pepe and I am a large and intelligent cat with a very soft voice and I am King of my Suite at SCAN ~ and, maybe, King of […]

clarence (co30)
Clarence is a loving cat who is a little timid but if he had a home of his own he would be able to grow in confidence and become a wonderful […]

Hi I’m Barbra, Barbie’s sister and we have been adopted together, aren’t we lucky. […]