Hi I’m Darcy and I was named after a famous ballet dancer because apparently I am very elegant and move with grace and I am now performing my dance moves […]
Archives: Animals

Hi I’m Cory and as you can see I am stunningly handsome and my name is short for Corazon because I have the pattern of a heart in my fur […]

I am now living happily in Germany […]

vernon (on the right with vinny)
Both Vinnie and Vernon have been adopted together and now live in luxury in Germany […]

Hi, I’m Coco, I’m a big girl, yes, but on the inside I’m actually just a little cuddly angel. Cuddles, food and playing ball are my favourite things, I can’t […]

Found in the road near to the Village Police Station Jerry was in perfect condition , fit, healthy, friendly with a perfect coat. He had a nice collar a very […]

Hello, my name is Morag. I was rescued after having had a very bad time: I was found with severe wounds that were infected, I was underweight and had been dumped […]

Hey there, I’m Marco. I’m a loveable, loving bouncy boy, I love to play, to splash around in the water and to have lots and lots of cuddles. While I […]

H, I’m Regalo, I am now in my new home with my best buddy Pitch […]

Hi, I’m Norma I was given this name because I was brought to SCAN during the anniversary for the Normandy landings. I am now living very happily on Guernsey! […]

Hi I’m Coche, I got that name because I was found hiding in a car after being abandoned. I have found a wonderful new home on Guernsey. […]

Hi, I’m Gordon and I came to SCAN as my owner has died and I am now looking for a new home and someone to love. I am a happy […]

Hello. My name is Sina. When my siblings and I were just a few weeks old we were abandoned in a dry river bed. Luckily we were with our mummy […]

I was living in a field near to SCAN with two other kittens (Paloma & Perla) which we also shared with a donkey. We were being fed by a SCAN […]

Hello, my name is Dori. It was my Lucky day when SCAN organised my rescue, since then all my pups have been homed, Lobo my mate has also found his […]

Hi, I´m Dahlia. After having been dumped with my sister Lou, I have been Cared for and Loved by SCAN. SCAN has found me the most wonderful family who are […]

Hello, Lou here. My sister Dahlia and I were dumped near and bin and luckily found by some very nice persons that brought us to SCAN. SCAN is brilliant , […]

I was brought into SCAN just before Christmas so the volunteers called me Merry! I was abandoned near to a managed feral colony and it was obvious to the feeders that […]

Elena has had a very difficult start to life. She was abandoned in the street and by the time the police were able to earn her trust enough to catch […]

Hi, I’m Coffee. I was found along with my brothers and sisters abandoned in a Lidl car park. Luckily we were able to go into foster care with one of SCAN’s […]