Hello, I'm lotta!

  • Ref No 2024 Lotta
  • Name Lotta
  • Age 0 years, 7 months
  • Sex Female
  • Breed Mixed
  • Type of Breed Mixed
  • Colour Black and Tan
  • Height to the shoulder 26 cm
  • Leishmania Negative
  • Neutered No
  • Vaccinated Yes
  • Is this animal currently in Foster Care? Yes
  • Is this animal reserved for adoption? No


Found in a bin in El Verger, at just approximately 3 days old, they were handed into SCAN.  Nicola, one of our volunteers, with tremendous dedication and love, bottle fed and raised them.  We are so proud of the work she has done, together with another volunteer Jessica, who also helped out massively.

We are now ready to take enquiries for potential adoptions for these little angels.  As you can see from the photographs, they are small cross breeds and when fully grown, our vet estimates they will be around 8 kgs. 

Lotta is female and slightly smaller than her brother Pipo.  She is 26cm at the shoulder and he is 28cm.  She has a bigger white flash on her chest.

They are just having their 3rd vaccinations, which will be followed by their rabies jabs and chips.

If you are interested in finding more about adoption, please contact Barry Caulfield at SCAN Costa Blanca on 626 550 864

or email scancenter9@gmail.com.

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    If you are interested in Adopting this animal and would like to arrange a meeting, or you have a question, please fill out this form and send it to us. Please note that if an animal is in Foster Care we will need a little time to arrange a meeting as we will need to contact the Foster Carer.

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